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德國辣椒標風濕膏 (中)

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Chilli Brand Porous Capsicum Plaster contains the following: Capsaicin 0.25%, Beta-pinene Homopolymer, Calcium Carbonate, Light Steam-cracked Aromatic Naphtha (Petroleum), Polybutenes, Rubber (Natural), Synthetic Iron Oxide, Zinc Oxide

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  • 剝開紙襯,直接貼在患處。如果需要,裁剪成所需大小貼在患處。沐浴後使用效果更佳。 
  • 成人、2歲及以上兒童:貼於患處,每天最多3 - 4次。不足兩歲兒童勿用。請諮詢醫生。


Allergy alert: This product contains natural rubber latex which may cause allergic reactions.

Do not use: on wounds, on irritated or damaged skin

When using this product: do not bandage tightly, avoid contact with the eyes or mucous membranes.

Stop use and ask doctor if: excessive irritations of the skin develops, condition worsens, symptoms persist for more than 7 days, symptoms clear up and occur again within a few days

When using for pain or arthritis if: in conditions affecting children under 12 years of age, redness of present, pain persists for more than 10 days.

Keep out of reach of children. If swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.


  • 不建議敏感皮膚人士使用。可能引起皮疹或潰爛。 
  • 不建議使用時與熱水接觸。 
  • 可能會產生灼燒感。 
  • 不要在體毛濃密皮膚表面使用。 
  • 扯下高粘性膏藥時,可能會傷害皮膚。
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